The Laboratoire de Glaciologie of the Department of Geosciences, Environment, Society of the Faculty of Sciences of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) is a research unit focused on the study of the cryosphere (glaciers, ice sheets and sea ice) and its relation within the climate system. This specialised expertise has enabled it to contribute to IPCC reports and to advance knowledge in an area of great societal concern.

Two lines of research guide the work of the GEMICE group (Geophysics and Modelling of Ice - lead: F. Pattyn) and the PROPICE group (Properties of ice - lead F. Fripiat). PROPICE specializes in ice and sediment analysis on samples collected in Antarctica and Greenland to reconstruct the paleoclimate, and to study the interactions between the cryosphere, the ocean and the atmosphere. GEMICE focuses on modelling of glaciers and ice sheets (especially Antarctica) to reconstruct the dynamics of the ice in interaction with the atmosphere and ocean and to improve projections of sea level rise. Both groups are active in field work comprising geophysical methods (radar), ocean, sea-ice and sediment sampling as well as in deep drilling in Antarctica and Greenland.

The Laboratoire de Glaciologie is and has been involved in EU Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, EU Framework projects, as well as ERC and its research is a direct contribution to IPCC reports.